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For Parents

We know that greater parental involvement in a student’s life promotes greater student success... but parents and guardians often face their own obstacles. Language barriers, busy work schedules, and other family obligations can keep caregivers from getting involved in their child’s education. Communities In Schools sees family engagement as a crucial element to our success, and we will work to remove barriers that prevent caregivers from staying central in their child’s education. That's why we’ve offered parenting classes, sponsored family nights and created parent support groups to help parents stay involved. Our site coordinators check in with families often and connect them with counselors, social workers and other school and community resources as needed. Most importantly, we want to ensure that home is a healthy nurturing environment where students can always feel safe.  
Your student's participation in our programs is optional, but it requires parent consent.   If you are contacted about having your student participate in one of our school-based programs you may choose for them to participate in a variety of activities during school which are specifically designed to meet your child's individual needs.  Contact your school's site-based coordinator if you have any questions; they are available during school hours to discuss your child's progress in meeting academic and other goals.  Participation in our programs is always free of charge.

Parenting Resources

Online resources which can help you to become more successful as a parent and caregiver for your child

  • "Positive Parenting," an online magazine for parents, sponsored by "Triple P Parenting"

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We're all in this together!
Communities In Schools is committed to helping students and their families to be as safe as possible during the coronavirus pandemic.  You can help by knowing these recommended best practices regarding wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing, from the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC).
Check out the Rowan-Salisbury "Caronavirus Safety Page" for the latest news and guidance from the Rowan-Salisbury Schools regarding what we are doing, and what you need to do to help us keep your child safe and ready to learn. 
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